When I first arrived in NZ back in December I immediately began to pray for a body guard of angels to walk with me as I took on a ministry in South Auckland. I knew that if I were to make a difference I would have to go face to face certain adversaries that have dwelt among Manukau City for years. It was not until after I got here that people told me South was an area that just seemed to be a place that no one could crack. I just thought to myself, "good to know..." Ha! Never did those statements intimidate me, but instead put even more of a passion in my heart to rise up and take this city for Christ!
I went up for prayer one night we with the South Centre team, and a dear friend, Matt Buchan, came up to pray for me. He began to tell me how he saw four angels standing with their backs to me and their swords facing out as if they were guarding me. I got so excited!! I got my body guards!!! Whoo! From that point I knew that this was going to be a good fight.
A few weeks back we were praying before we went to the streets to witness to young girls that have been selling themselves for as low as $20. South Centre has responded to the need and has begun to reach out in love and do what they can to help make an impact in the lives of these sweet children whose childhood has been stripped away from them. While we were praying God showed me the demon that dwells over South Auckland. His face had a smug, perverse smile on it, as if he delighting in being the cause of destroying the hearts and shredding the innocence from each of these girls.
At that moment I was not afraid, I did not stop in my tracks, but instead I felt this supernatural faith begin to dwell up inside of me. I immediately remembered my body guard of angels and pressed into prayer in a way that could have only been the Holy Spirit. I had a supernatural confidence in my Father.
We went out to the streets and I had a chance to talk to a few of the girls that were out and just treat them as if they are as beautiful as the girls walking into church in there new Easter Sunday dress. With time we will build more and more relationships that will lead to a life change for these young girls.
South Primal has continued to do well. Last week we had South Patrick's Day and it was such a wonderful night. We had 4 first time salvations, and there was an atmosphere of joy and peace through out the entire night. I remember praying one day and God giving me a vision of the kids at South running out of the building with smiles on their faces and yelling, "I'm Free!" This is the vision that we are striving to reach...not just seeing them saved but leading them to the abundant life God has promised them and that Jesus died to give them.
I have had the privilege of bonding with several incredile youth and have already seen them being set free from bondages that have run generations deep. The task before me is not one that can be done in a few months...maybe not even in a few years. I am fighting against generations of bondage and addiction. Youth that have been taught from birth that this is "just how life is."
While it breaks my heart, I continue each day knowing that God has sent me here for a particular reason in a particular season! The time is now and I need your support as I face some of the largest spiritual wars I have ever gone up against. It's time that we stand in the gap and intercede for the lives of these precious children. If my heart breaks for them this much I can't even imagine what it does to the heart of God that loved His little children so much.
Please keep me as well as the youth of South Auckland in your prayers. We have several outreaches and events coming up with the intention of seeing more and more kids saved. Jesus literally wants to save their lives and needs us to be His hands so He can do so.
You are all missed and love greatly! Thank you for always being my support!