South Primal:
Every week I am blown away at what God is doing in the lives of the youth at South Primal. It has been almost 10 months since I took over, and the spiritual growth of these kids is mind blowing. I came into a group that was scattered, "too cool" for just about everything, and with walls up not easily ready to be trusting. However, over the past months God has given me favor. It has taken many hours of "doing life" with them, but little by little their hearts have begun to soften. Once a group of youth that would just look at me and stare during the services are now actively involved in anything asked of them.
A few weeks ago I opened my eyes during a time of worship to see every single kid engaged. Hands lifted, eyes closed, and hearts open to God moving in their lives. I couldn't remember a time where every person in a service was involved in such a deep place of worship. The moment moved me to tears as I remembered that these were the same kids I had met only months before.
We have seen weekly salvations, growth and discipleship. I can honestly say that I am a PROUD pastor of these remarkable youth. Every week their hearts become more loving, and their passion for God and to learn more about Him moves me.
C3 Leadership College:
I have also had the privilege to work with C3 Leadership College. Here young adults have given a year to seek God and have further discipleship to pursue the call of God on their lives for ministry. With only three months left in the year I can say that these interns are going to be an outstanding group of leaders in this movement. All of them have come such a long way since entering in January.
We have just finished our Undefeated Tour through out NZ. This tour is designed to speak hope and purpose into the lives of the youth of this country. As I have stated before, NZ holds the highest suicide rates in the world. This tour is C3's way of taking a stand against this catastrophic issue.
For four weeks we have been touring the country going into high schools, spending time doing street evangelism and putting on large events to speak the message of hope and purpose. The dance crew Identity, silver medalist of the world hip hop championship, have partnered with our team to speak their own message of hope. All students are encouraged to speak out in their times of depression and seek out help. Already we have seen 88 salvations and many responses to this particular topic. You are can visit to learn more about this tour. We will be making this a yearly campaign to help make a difference in the lives of the youth of NZ.
As a church we have set a goal to see at least 30 people saved a week. This goal has been hit every week since we put it in place! I love the passion C3 has to see the lost saved. This is something the church in NZ needs considering that only 5% of it's population would say that it is Christian. Each week we are taking steps to advance His kingdom!
Once again, I would like to thank all those who have supported me spiritually and financially! I would not be able to be here carrying out God's call on my life without you!
If you feel led, here are ways that you can financially support these ministries:
All donations should be made
payable to the Knoxville Christian Center designated to Jessie Jenkins’ New
Zealand missions trip. You will be eligible to receive tax credit with any
donation given.
Monthly donations can be made to the Knoxville Christian Center.
To pay by check:
Checks must be made payable to
the Knoxville Christian Center designated to Jessie Jenkins’ New Zealand
missions trip.
Mail to:
Knoxville Christian Center
P.O. Box 50490
Knoxville, TN 37950
To pay by credit:
Contact the Knoxville Christian
Center office and have credit card number available. Or fill out the form
provided below. Information can be taken
over the phone @ 865-690-0855.
To pay cash:
Cash may be designated to Jessie
Jenkins’ New Zealand missions trip and mailed or brought to the Knoxville
Christian Center office.
Mail to:
Knoxville Christian Center
P.O. Box 50490
Knoxville, TN 37950